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Pesticides and Your Gut Microbiome

Environmental toxins are everywhere; from pesticides to PFAS, VOCs to heavy metals, environmental toxins have invaded every corner of our lives. And many are carcinogenic, endocrine disruptors and a contributing

Avena de chocolate con tahini

  Ingredientes: 1/3 taza de avena steel cut (remojada la noche anterior) 3/4 taza de calabacita rallada 1/2 plátano maduro (machacado) 1/2 tsp cúrcuma 1 cda de linaza molida 1

Chocolate Tahini Porridge

  Ingredients: 1/3 cup steel cut oats (soaked overnight) 3/4 cup grated zucchini 1/2 ripe banana (mashed) 1/2 tsp turmeric 1 tbsp ground flaxseeds 1 tbsp cacao powder 1 tbsp

Sopa de tomate y pimiento rojo asado

  Ingredientes   -2 cucharaditas de vinagre balsámico -1 cebolla dulce (Vidalia) pequeña pelada y cortada en cubitos -1 tallo de apio cortado en cubitos -8 tomates medianos sin semillas

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